Investing in Research
To stay at the forefront of technology innovation that supports a sustainable future ADI continues to invest in leading research activities. ADI investments span a wide range, from basic scientific exploration to applied research pointing to future innovative products.
Examples of research collaborations include:
UC Berkeley Sensor and Actuator Center (BSAC)
UC Berkeley Wireless Research Center (BWRC)
Stanford SystemX Alliance
Center for Power Electronics Systems (CPES)
NSF Power Management Integration Center (PMIC)
MIT Medical Electronic Device Realization Center(MEDRC)
MIT Center for Quantum Engineering
NSF Center for Hardware and Embedded System Security and Trust (CHEST)
UMass Lowell Printed Electronics Research
NSF Broadband Wireless Access and Applications Center (BWAC)
MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics (CTL)
MIT AI Hardware Program
Flexible Hybrid Electronics Manufacturing Institute (NextFlex)
NSF Center for Design Analog-Digital Integrated Circuits (CDADIC)
Power America
In addition to collaboration on center level, ADI has provided further gifts to stimulate research at GTech, UCSD, Columbia, WPI, the University of Illinois, the University of Michigan, Oregon State, and UT Dallas.
Another important activity is expanding international engagement. Examples include:
KU Leuven research collaboration
Microelectronics Circuit Center Ireland (MCCI)
d.lab at Tokyo University in Japan
University of Pavia, Italy
Macquarie University, Australia
CONFIRM research center for manufacturing, Ireland
IIT Chennai, India
University of Toronto
Universidad Jaime I, Spain
One of the key engagements is ADI participation in Semiconductor Research Corporation public/private Joint University Microelectronics Program 2.0 (JUMP 2.0). The SRC-led effort is aimed at accelerating U.S. advances in information and communications technologies.
JUMP 2.0 seeks to significantly improve performance,efficiency, and capabilities across a range of electronics systems. Novel materials, devices, architectures, algorithms, designs, integration techniques, and other innovations are at the heart of problem-solving for next-generation information and communications challenges. To that end, the centers will focus on JUMP 2.0’s seven complementary research themes, led by the following university-run centers:
Cognition: Next-generation AI systems and architectures (Center for the Co-Design of Cognitive Systems, Georgia Institute of Technology)
Communications and Connectivity: Efficient communication technologies for ICT systems (Center for Ubiquitous Connectivity, Columbia University)
Intelligent Sensing to Action: Sensing capabilities and embedded intelligence to enable fast and efficient generation of actions (Center on Cognitive Multispectral Sensors, Georgia Institute of Technology)
Systems and Architectures for Distributed Compute: Distributed computing systems and architectures in an energy-efficient computer and accelerator fabric (Evolvable Computing for Next Generation Distributed Computer Systems, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign)
Intelligent Memory and Storage: Emerging memory devices and storage arrays for intelligent memory systems (Center for Processing with Intelligent Storage and Memory, University of California San Diego)
Advanced Monolithic and Heterogenous Integration:Novel electric and photonic interconnect fabrics and advanced packaging (Center for Heterogeneous Integration of Micro Electronic Systems, Penn State)
High Performance Energy Efficient Devices: Novel materials, devices, and interconnect technologies to enable next-generation digital and analog applications (SUPeRior Energy-efficient Materials and dEvices (SUPREME), Cornell University)